Twitter "shadow banning" is censorship of conservatives. Facebook has been doing the same. And while these social media entities may be feeling the backlash from it with the loss of "users / subscribers," what about the so called, "Main Stream Media?"
The Main Stream Media has been censoring conservatives since time immemorial. Those that have the viewpoint that in the "good old days," ... "The Media" was objective, just do not know the history of being a conservative and/or being a conservative IN the media.
Back in the "good old days" there was NO alternative. There was no alternative to socialist media (which then disguised itself as "objective.") The "MEDIA" did not suddenly let it's hair down and voluntarily show itself to be biased against conservatives. Their mask was ripped off by conservatives who began using alternative media to get their message out.
The one that stands out as the major pioneer of alternative media (conservative) was Rush Limbaugh. His vehicle was A.M. Radio. There were others, but he tuned it into a fine art, and then others followed: Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, and others.
Then came FOX news. MORE of the conservative message got out via FOX, but mainly, back, then, it was a REPUBLICAN message. Back then REPUBLICAN was conflated with "conservative."
Eventually conservatives began to filter out the Socialist Republicans, and that is still evolving today, even as more people realize that what conservatives are doing is CONSERVING the constitution. "Conservatives," have refined CONSERVATIVE to mean to PRESERVE and CONSERVE the U.S. Constitution.
To be more specific, a political conservative is not a hoity toity, rich, pinky-extending snob that sips champagne with other elite tyrannical snobs. Those might be "country club Republicans (and Socialist elites). Conservatives want to preserve and conserve the Constitution.
That makes conservatives, REVOLUTIONARIES. It makes them so, much more so, than Marxists, much more so, than Communists and Socialists, and in fact, it makes Communists and Socialists COUNTER-Revolutionaries, something they purport NOT to be.
In fact, U.S. POLITICAL CONSERVATIVES are primarily the ONLY true revolutionaries in the world, and are revolutionary against the global, largely Marxist, Socialist, and Communist movements and nations.
U.S. political Conservatives are the TRUE Americans, as they defend and protect our Constitution, which makes those that are anti-conservative, "Anti-American." That would be why they are so quick to apologize for and/or attack our cultural institutions.
So "social" entities that oppress conservatives via censorship or other means are ANTI AMERICAN.
That makes the mainstream media, and social media VERY anti-American.
Yet the television, radio and print media do not have algorithms to help with censorship. What they do instead is outrightly attack conservatives and discriminate against them by denying them a voice and an opinion. They, in fact, are, with their vast moneyed resources, making in-kind contributions to political organizations, candidates, causes, etc., and should be outed for it, and should be accountable for it. Their propaganda should count as political contributions to political causes. Do the math, and calculate their effects in dollars, and you begin to get the idea.
Their "donations" are not just FOR their causes or candidates, they are also AGAINST conservatives. Add that to the equation.
In the possibly distracting debate about how FACEBOOK and TWITTER, and YOU TUBE, etc., are discriminating against Conservatives, we must not forget the outright attack on free speech by political hacks, who hide behind the protective skirts of the 1st Amendment, pretending to be journalists, while their Anti-American propaganda assaults our Constitutional Republic day after day without them having to account for their criminality.
WE THE PEOPLE should continue to expose them, and make them answer for their crimes.
Countless numbers of Conservative "keyboard warriors" collectively blog, post, and advance the America First, Pro Constitution Conservative causes every day, and more and more are joining the ranks of this grass-root movement.
They are the Tea Party, the Trumper's, the hard-core principled conservatives, the true revolutionaries, and the ONLY ones on the entire planet that have refused to succumb and submit to the Big Government, Royalist, Marxist, Communist, Socialist oppressors, and who are not only taking America back, making it great again, but EXPORTING (as in BREXIT) our revolutionary ideas, turning our national struggle into a worldwide movement.
NEVER in the history of this nation, or the world, has there ever been such a large group of Constitutionalists with such enormous resources, talent, purpose, education and intellect. Compare today to 1776. There have been, since then, enormous technical advances, giving US enormous advantages.
Even the surreptitious covert implants on social media, the algorithms that prohibit the dissemination and communication of our ideas, and the attack dogs of "mainstream media," have not and will not stop us.
The revolution that our forefathers began is much more achievable today than it was then. We continue to succeed against gargantuan odds. Today the Chinese, the Russians, the Radical Muslims, and every other petty tyrannical dictator, every drug cartel baron, every criminal enterprise, all continue to operate as if 1776 had never happened.
The tyranny of the operators of Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, have bought into the criminality of the past, and yet WE continue to prevail.
What will happen when those tools are used to disseminate and expand Freedom into the territories enslaved by today's tyrants. Those "governments" will be no more. Their demise will occur sooner than later.
Marxism is not inevitable. YOU have made it so.
Think about that before bed each day: YOU, the Vanguard of Freedom, are going to prevail.
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