Tuesday, May 22, 2018


It takes courage to stand up against the authority of a group you belong to that has become tyrannical.

You could say that doing so carries a price.

You might say THAT is the the Price of Freedom.

Most Germans did not stand up to the Nazis.

On the other hand, SOME British Subjects stood up to King George.  They paid the price.  They earned FREEDOM for YOU.

The key word here is COURAGE.

Confronted by tyranny, what will you do?

You could think positive thoughts.  You could pray, but if you don't carry through your thoughts into actions, then you have become the tyrant, doing as the tyrant wants you to do, and tacitly complying, and in effect, being the tyrant.

There's the classic Nazi proverbial excuse: "We were following orders."

Where is this going?

It's going HERE:

We don't have to like Trump.  We don't have to agree on anything he does or says.

But we now see that Trump was spied on. He was spied on by One, Two, maybe more spies.  Who commissioned the spies?

We know already that former Director of the CIA, John Brennan spied on Congress.  We already know former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper lied, when he said the NSA was not spying on Americans.

Now we KNOW that certain individuals within Intelligence agencies and police agencies spied on a political campaign, and THUS attempted to interfere in an election, and when they failed, they continued to try to usurp YOUR VOTES, and now continue to do so.

They continue to hide their operations through various forms of refusal to comply with orders from YOUR Representatives to divulge information about their insurrection, charging even that disclosure would harm our "democracy."

What they fear from disclosure is the inevitable gallows that awaits them, because they have already done the damage of destroying our REPUBLIC, by trashing our Constitution, weaponizing the force and power of your government, the power of Life and Death, and threats against YOU at the point of THEIR guns.

They have and continue to usurp and overthrow YOUR decisions, YOUR intent, YOUR votes to carry on with their Tyranny, and now even issue threats against your representatives and therefore YOU.

Your quiet response is mistaken by the tyrants as submission, but I submit that they are grossly mistaken.  There is no doubt what your response will be to tyrants and tyranny.  The tyrants mistake your patience and wisdom for complacency, and, in error, continue their offensive against YOU, relying on their fellow tyrants in the propaganda media, and those that believe their lies.

It doesn't matter how many spies, or who they used.  They have already sinned. Note their responses.  Are they remorseful?  Or are they arrogant and are they still defending their transgression?

And what of COURAGE?  What of action?  What of those, who you PAY to protect you?

What of those that YOU authorize to use force to act on your behalf?

What of that so called, "rank and file?"

What of the "good guys?"

What are THEY doing now?

They have the guns, the ammunition, supplied by YOU.  Why are they not acting to correct the mistakes of those among them, some of them, their leaders?

Their power is there.

Why do they not use it to protect you?

That's what they signed up for.

That is their DUTY.


Have they chosen to be complicit?  Are they just following orders? Are they resigned or committed to obey the tyrants and to NOT protect you?

What oath have they taken?

Did they take an oath to protect YOU or THEM?

When the smoke clears and YOU run out of patience, what will be their answer to your questions:

"Where were you when my children needed your protection from the the tyrants?"

"Where were YOU, when the tyrants were extinguishing the flame of Freedom for us and our families?"


Find them now.  Implore them to work on your behalf, NOW.

Tell them to use the power of force that you grant them to detain and arrest the perpetrators of tyranny, so that they may be accountable for their crimes.

Tell them to come forth and testify against the perpetrators of tyranny.

Urge them to come out publicly and denounce those who have gone astray.

Do so now, before you have to bypass them, and are required by your concern for your children and their future, to do the work "the good guys" should have done for YOU.

Vanguard of Freedom


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