Hillary says she's a capitalist. That's another reason she advances about why she lost the election.
It's very enlightening statement, that one.
A lot of Americans chose a capitalist as President, a businessman. Let's just say he LEANS a bit more than she does toward capitalism, eh?
Let's just say SHE leans a wee bit to the LEFT.
Let's just say that after a revolution, communist or otherwise, you still have to balance the budget, pay the piper, reconcile your checking accounts, pay the credit cards, and count the pennies you have left.
After the butchering, after the slaughter, you have to pay for the burials, and that's a lot of bodies.
And then you have to pay for the food, the indoctrination camps, and the bullets and the gas for those who don't convert. It takes a very good accountant to keep track of all the religious nuts you've exterminated. Someone has to keep track of all that.
Otherwise, you wind up like the Soviet Union: Broke, alone, and burdened with the broken utopian nightmares you forced with bayonets and guns upon "the masses."
So Hillary is a capitalist?
She's capitalizing on that distraction, the Muel, who gets paid your dollars to keep the limelight away from Hillary's crimes. We all know about the Muel. Robert, the Muel, Mueller.
Hillary is banking on not being held accountable for emptying the secrets of our entire government via an unsecure server: No hacking needed. You wanted to see what we had, all you had to do was browse. Who do you think "browsed?"
As a side note: Legislators cannot get files from the Justice Department or the FBI, but our enemies had access to all our files via the state department, via Hillary Clinton's computers. Our enemies know what the Hillaristas did, but you can't know.
Maybe we're asking the wrong government for those files. Maybe we should ask Putin for them. How much do you think we'd have to pay him for them?
Maybe we should ask Iran. No. They got paid billions to keep quiet.
Hillary is banking on that. She's a capitalist.
See more HERE...
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