"The media," and specifically, the Socialist-Liberal Media (THE SLIME) and anti-Trump politicos continue to be outraged about the alleged murder of a Saudi Arabian journalist, Jamal Khashoggi, by his own country's assassins, at the Saudi Embassy in Turkey. The incident is described here for you in this account:
"... Khashoggi fled Saudi Arabia in September 2017 and went into self-imposed exile. He said that the Saudi Arabian government had "banned him from Twitter", ... and he later wrote newspaper articles critical of the Saudi government. Khashoggi had been sharply critical of Saudi Arabia's crown prince, Mohammad bin Salman, and the country's king, Salman of Saudi Arabia ... He also opposed the Saudi Arabian-led intervention in Yemen ... Khashoggi entered the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul on 2 October 2018, but did not leave the building. Amid news reports claiming that he had been killed and dismembered inside, an inspection of the consulate, by Saudi Arabian and Turkish officials, took place on 15 October. Initially the Saudi Arabian government denied the death, claiming Khashoggi had left the consulate alive, but on 20 October admitted that Khashoggi was killed inside the consulate, claiming he had been strangled to death after a fight had broken out ... This was later contradicted when, on 25 October, Saudi Arabia's attorney general stated that the murder was premeditated..." ( source: New York Times / Wikipedia )The media has hung the alleged murder of Khashoggi around Donald Trump's political neck, and continues to twitch and moan about it, some even pushing to withdraw support from Saudi Arabia in their proxy war with Iran in Yemen. Today the U.S. Senate voted 63 to 37 "...to pull support from Saudi Arabia’s ongoing military activities in Yemen..." Heather Timmons reports @QUARTZ that
"...The 63-37 bipartisan vote is a clear rebuke to the Trump White House, secretary of state Mike Pompeo, and the Saudi royal family ... The bill will now go to a full debate in the Senate, and pass the House of Representatives before it hits Donald Trump’s desk. He has threatened to veto it.."Mind you, Trump did not order, nor, it appears, was not involved in any way in the Khashoggi caper. Allegedly Khashoggi's murder was ordered by Saudi Arabia’s crown prince and de facto ruler, Mohammed bin Salman, but U.S. officials have stated that there is no "smoking gun" that proves bin Salman ordered the assassination.
This brings me to the "enough is enough."
The outrage of the media and the anti-Trump politicos is beyond disingenuous, and insults the intelligence and sensibilities of Conservatives, and it seems the purpose of the attacks on the Trump administration with respect to this, are only because Trump is an easy target for them. But is there more to this?
We should look at this in perspective, so you can see the contrasts and discrepancies in actions and reactions by interested parties. Barack Obama ordered the killing of Osama Bin Laden. No dispute there. There's even a movie about it. Obama did not support another country in a war, whose leader is alleged to have ordered the killing of Osama Bin Laden. It is well known that Obama ordered it. He takes credit for it. Our soldiers went into another country and killed him. I'm not disputing the monstrosity of Osama bin Laden, and, yes, I know that bin Laden did not work for the Washington Post.
But the fact remains that our illustrious leader, Barack Obama did the deed. Did anyone object, save for Pakistan?
Here's another doozy. Obama also ordered the killing of a U.S. citizen and his son. That was, alleged terrorist, Anwar al-Awlaki, and his son, 16 year old Abdulrahman. This was accomplished with two separate drone strikes, and the assassinations were carried out in Yemen.
While there was some debate about those drone strikes, there was never a wholesale attack by the Socialist Liberal Media (aka: SLIME) on Obama. Mind you, both the alleged terrorist and his son were Americans.
I am here not defending the al-Awlaki's. I am just pointing out the lack of proportional outrage about what happened in three cases involving DIRECTLY, Barack Obama, and the outrage exhibited by media and politicos in the case in which Trump has had no involvement in an alleged murder in another country ordered by officials in another country.
One head of state killed three people for being terrorists against his country.
Another head of state kills someone HE considers a threat against his country.
Still no argument there, except for the debate about killing versus capturing and trying, convicting, and incarcerating, etc.
Those are the similarities.
So what might be going on?
The differences need to be pointed out and those who continue to berate Trump and express outrage because of the circumstances need to be called out for the obvious imbalanced reactions, and perhaps, for surreptitiously using this issue to change U.S. policy in favor of Iran, and to retaliate politically against Trump for Trump's voiding of the Obama/Iran Nuclear deal, which netted billions in cash to the Iranian regime.
It has been opined elsewhere that much of that money was given to terrorist groups Iran's Quds Force, and Hezbollah, both politial/miliitary arms of Iran.
Knowing what you know about political corruption, might SOME of that cash have gone to pay off those who pushed for and pulled off the deal itself? Might Trump's interference with the deal have affected possible kickbacks?
It was, after all, "cash."
I don't know. I am "just asking." But there's just too much yippity yap, and kissing and moaning about the Khashoggi caper, and too much yanking and tipping the scale toward favoring Iran, and frankly, the stench of retaliation against Trump for voiding the Obama Iran Nuke deal stinks to high heaven.
What's your take?
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