Wednesday, May 22, 2019


House of Representatives Socialist Democrats met today before the Schumer and Pelosi meeting with President Trump and had a clashing of the minds about Impeaching President Donald Trump.

Reportedly, the debate was intense and the disagreements plenty.

Without an incident to precipitate a unified effort by the socialists to Impeach the President, there remained a House divided, and the logical leftist political move then would be for Pelosi and Schumer, upon meeting with the President, to do just that: Precipitate an incident with the President with which they could then justify jumping aboard the Impeachment train.

It might not have been this simple, but it appears the opening salvos of the Trump-Pelosi-Schumer meeting went like this:  "We're going to impeach you.  Now, let's you work with us to help us do so."  Trump, of course, refused and walked out.

Mission accomplished.

Chris Stirewalt on the Fox News noon show was quick to call Trump childish in his reaction to Pelosi and Schumer, but when challenged by a panel member about it, added that all of them were being childish, and that Americans deserve better.

Better than what?  A booming economy; the lowest unemployment rates ever? Lower taxes? Etc.

The Democrat Socialists have nothing to stand on for the upcoming elections, unless Trump succumbs, as did George Bush, to start a war somewhere, with which they could hammer Trump incessantly.

Bush was quite popular, after Nine-Eleven, and it took a constant anti war barrage by Democrats to cut him down to size, and when they did, they gave us Barack Obama.

Trump, of course, is not George Bush, and today vowed "no more legislation while under investigation... ' I don't do cover-ups ' ..."

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