Tuesday, April 25, 2017


One of the sticks that President Trump gets whacked with quite often is how he is going to pay for THE WALL, and how he is going to make Mexico, as he promised, pay for THE WALL.

Like many of the other political attacks on Trump and his administration, the constant badgering regarding this issue is as incessant as it is aggravating and annoying.

In response to this, let me offer this observation, since I see no one with a proper defense or offense anywhere on this matter, and let me be clear, this is not rocket science, and one need not extend one's faculties, nor stretch one's imagination, nor resort to long and extreme justifications in order to see the relevant daylight:


First, ILLEGAL border crossings are DOWN 67 percent. Stephen Dinan of the Washington Times put it at "over" 60 percent, back on April 4. That was "...even before the first new agent is hired or the first mile of his promised border wall is constructed..."

That statistic is clear:  There are over 60 percent LESS illegal immigrants coming across the border.  Dinan's article makes a point of mentioning that it means that there are 67 percent more JOBS available to Americans that would otherwise be taken by illegal aliens.

But there is more to it than that, and for those that are not necessarily in the groove in these matters let me define a term and some actions that illegal aliens do that go beyond them taking Americans' jobs.

Illegal aliens not only work here, they send the money they earn back to their home country.  This money is called a "remittance," or "remittances."
"...A remittance is a transfer of money by a foreign worker to an individual in his or her home country. Money sent home by migrants competes with international aid as one of the largest financial inflows to developing countries. Workers' remittances are a significant part of international capital flows, especially with regard to labour-exporting countries. In 2014, $436 billion went to developing countries, setting a new record. Overall global remittances totaled $582 billion in 2015.[2] Some countries, such as India and China, receive tens of billions of US dollars in remittances each year from their expatriates. In 2014, India received an estimated $70 billion and China an estimated $64 billion..."  [WIKIPEDIA]
Patrick Gillespie's CNN report from last January 17, set forth some interesting details:
"...Between January and November of 2016, $24.6 billion flowed back to the pockets of Mexicans from friends and relatives living overseas, according to Mexico's central bank...
That's even higher than what Mexico earns from its oil exports -- $23.2 billion in 2015. And almost all of that cash comes from the U.S...
The average remittance from Mexico is about $300. Essentially, Mexico's most lucrative natural resource are the people who leave home...
Remittances help drive Mexico's economy, from paying for new home construction to schools, especially in low-income areas. The cash transfers from the U.S. have also been growing faster than wages and inflation. And it's a critical time for Mexico's economy, which is showing signs of weakness...
With Mexico's currency, the peso, near an all-time low, its economy only grew 2.2% last year, Mexico's finance minister says. Trump's threats are only going to make it worse -- the IMF estimates Mexico will only grow 1.7% this year...
On top of slower growth, the government hiked gas prices by as much as 20% at the start of the year as part of an energy deregulation policy. That's sparked widespread protests and looting...
All to say: Dollars mean a lot to many Mexicans and they're becoming more and more valuable. Taxing or halting that flow of cash could negatively impact millions of Mexicans..."
I am overlooking here (sort of) the fact that Mexico is "lending" out its people to work in the U.S. for money that benefits that government and those people.  Some are kind and call it indentured servitude.  I call it what it is: human trafficking and slavery.

Now, because Mexico (and other countries, as well) benefit from remittances, what would be those governments' interests in those illegal aliens becoming citizens of the U.S. via an amnesty or some other path to citizenship?  The illegal aliens would no longer be illegal, and very possibly, most likely, would import their families to the U.S. too.  Where would the remittances for the "home" countries be then?

I would argue that those countries that benefit from Remittances, most certainly, Mexico, would not want those illegal aliens to be legalized.  I suspect they are very happy with the status quo, despite any protests to the contrary they may advance.

But back to THE WALL:

Because there are 67 percent LESS illegal alien workers, there are, possibly 67 percent LESS remittances being sent to MEXICO.  You do the math. Since there is $24.6 BILLION (with a "B") leaving for Mexico BEFORE the reduction of illegal alien border crossings, then there is, accordingly, allowing for wiggle room, 67 percent LESS of that $24.6 billion going back to Mexico.

How much is 67 percent of $24.6 billion? I calculate:  $16,482,000,000.   That is sixteen BILLION four hundred eighty two million dollars. Yes, billion with a B.

That's almost Sixteen and a half BILLION less dollars going to Mexico, and staying here in the U.S.

Mind you, this does not even figure how much in dollars is not being spent in social services, i.e., food stamps, welfare, low income housing, etc. in order to "service" illegal aliens.  There are other factors that you can account for that we are not doing the math for.

Get the picture?  Mexico is ALREADY paying for THE WALL, and by default THE WALL must include that invisible wall that Trump has already set up, simply by stating that he was going to build it.

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