Wednesday, October 16, 2019


There have been several attempts by the deep state to get the Trump Administration (and the nation) involved in some kind of QUAGMIRE, but to date, President Trump has not only resisted the urgings by deep staters, he has effectively thwarted their efforts on more than one occasion.

There was the U.S. Drone "downed" by Iran, that brought us to the "brink." And now there's the Turkish invasion of Syria.

All manner of criticism has emerged because Trump has stuck to his guns and refused to enter the proverbial QUAGMIRE.

Remember that word: Quagmire.  That's what the Lefties called the Viet Nam War.  A Quagmire.  It's what some referred to our going into the Midde East as. A Quagmire.  Lefties refer to Afghanistan as A Quagmire.

Here's the gist of one critic via your favorite media scoundrel, the New York Times:

A New York Times hit-piece on President Donald Trump by David E. Sanger, headlining on the Drudge Report epitomizes the anti-Trump hysteria that prefers the dichotomy of old school invading, occupying and nation building versus capitulation to anti-war Socialist clamoring.  

This phenomenon, of course is what politicians other than Trump have continually "entrapped" themselves in, as a "damned if you do; damned if you don't," scenario that gives both "sides" of a false set of choices, but the opportunity to advance their political agendas.  

In a lengthy diatribe Sanger tries to weave his tangled web of justifications to prove that Trump is incapable and failing in foreign policy.  However, the failure is not Trump, who once again has acted "outside of the box" to fulfill his promises to his Constituents.  The failure is Sanger's inability to cope with anything that does not fit his (and those that agree with him) convenient construct that always sets up the U.S. in a lose-lose situation with regard to foreign policy.

And so, Sanger paints "the calamity" of Trump's choices with regard to Syria, Turkey, the Kurds, etc.

Never mind that the events following Trump's decision to withdraw from Syria, clearly show the carnage hungry Turks, the Blood Letting Syrians, and the Russian vultures salivating for the rivers of blood that now result in that cradle of violence.

Sanger and his ilk obviously are not able to see outside of, nor think or compute without the addiction to blood soup, and Sanger, as the voice of these Middle East leeches, throws a tantrum on the pages of the New York Times.  

When Trump claims the football and comes home, and says that he's not going to trap the U.S. in a quagmire in order to satisfy our enemies abroad and within, it upsets those addicted to Anti-U.S. policies.

Nor is this "extraction" similar to the Obama withdrawal from Iraq, which created a vacuum, and led to the emergence and expansion of ISIS, as Sanger claims.  Nope.  Here there's a big difference.  We, to a great degree obliterated ISIS, while Obama helped it to emerge.  We leave the area by assigning responsibility for Peace in the area to the players that are left there today, while Obama colluded with and advanced the cause of terror state, Iran

Let THEM fight their own wars.  Let THEM deplete their own resources.  Let THEM turn their towns and cities into rubble. 

Let THEM suffer their own casualties. Let THEM bankrupt their economies.  Let THEM emerge from their blood lust in ten years, wasted and degraded.

Let us grow, flourish, and advance and become MORE powerful.  Then, if it's prudent, we can go in and pick up the pieces.

Here is the link to the Sanger regurgitation.  I caution that you might at the very least feel nauseated with that bucket of bile.    

No war. No Quagmire. No War Monger to bash.

Sounds like a song, doesn't it?

No War,
No Quagmire
No War Monger To Bash!

Trump Trumps Again.

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